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TEST: Eachine Flyingfrog Q90 (62g, 2S 8520 motors, SPF3, 1000TVL FPV cam, 200mW 5.8G 40CH VTX)

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The Eachine Flyingfrog Q90 is a compact and lightweight brushed microquadcopter including a F3 board, a 1000 TVL FPV cam and a 40CH 5.8G 200mW VTX. Cherry on the cake, the machine is boosted with 8520 motors 2S compatible. As most of recent Eachine products, three choices of receiver are available: FrSky (in D8 mode), FlySky (AFHDS) and Spektrum (DSM2/DSMX). It’s not the first 2S brushed machine, the Q90 comes after the Fatbee FB90. Let’s check this new bundle.



+ 1 x Eachine Flyingfrog Q90 (with a 2S 350mAh LiPo with microLOSI connector)
+ 1 x USB charging cable
+ 4 x Spare props (2 CW, 2 CCW)
+ 4 x Props guard
+ 1 x Spare white canopy
+ 1 x Wrench prop remover
+ 3 x receiver cables
+ 3 x Spare rubber band
+ 1 x Instruction manual (English)

The set of accesories.


Three spare rubber bands are given



The Flyingfrog Q90 employs a classic hubsan X4 like design, a 98mm machine full plastic based. The lower main plastic structure, welcoming arms and motors pods, has 2.25mm of thickness. I am not sure the plastic will be strong enough to support crash at full speed on hard surgaces. Inside the canopy, we find a SPF3 board with betaflash 3.0.1 installed, a 1000 TVL NTSC 1/4″ FPV camera, a 200mW 40CH 5.8G FPV transmitter and a FrSKy D8 receiver.

Two small eyes and green color… we have a frog !!!! 🙂


with the battery attached. The LiPo don’t touch the ground so no problem to perfectly calibrate gyros for example.


The left side welcomes the microUSB plug for Betaflight connexion




The 5.8G antenna is installed vertically to optimize horizontal FPV transmission so long distance flight. We have to do the same for the 2.4G antenna to increase the control range as well.


On top, we have the small eyes of the frog two columns of small holes.


They can be used to insert/install the 2.4G through.

The main plastic structure is not inspiring me ultra positive feelings for the durability of the machine even if I crashed many times without damages. I am afraid with a crash at full speed on arms, they won’t resist.


With the battery attached with the thin but robust transparent rubber band


A little bit more than 44.8g standalone


to reach 62g




8.5mmx20mm 2S compatible 🙂 should in theory offer great performances. In practice, these motors whistlewith a high treeble sound.


Classic 55mm “hubsan” props with 1mm of shaft/hole section. We can maybe regret the unique color for all of them. Bicolor choice would have been a better choice for LOS flights





A very small 2S 350mAh with microLosi connector and balancer plug. 30C for discharge rate. This battery is advertized to offer up to 8min of flight time





Camera module

A 1000TVL mode. 1/4″ sensor size. The camera broadcast the signal only in NTSC format. No possibility to turn it into PAL.


No possibility to apply a positive angle for the lens orientation


Raw video sample

I really like this compact camera handling pretty well light transitions. The sound seems to be recorded.


To access to the interior part, you will have to remove four super tiny screws found at each arm’s extremity. Use a magnetic screwdriver for this precize job.


The 200mW VTX is taped on the top canopy underneath side. A unique button to select the current Vfreq in short pressed and one of the five Vband is long pressed. Two lights indicates the current Vfreq and Vband respectively.


The main SPF3 board with the FrSky D8 compatible receiver. This one is connected via a serial SBUS link. We can notice the absence of a builtin buzzer but semi-good news, there is enough room to attach one on the free buzzer port completly on the left.


It’s pretty easy to bind the receiver. turn on the quad copter (tx off) and wait 6 seconds that the light blink fast then just run the bind procedure on your radio and voilà !!!. Cherry on the cake, telemetry send both the RSSI and the Vbat on your radio.


If we have immediatly some positive confirmations about the FPV camera, we also observe unfortunatly ton of woobles in the FPV signal… very Dizzy…. It’s not unflyable but it’s not pleasant with the proposed defaut settings…. Second point, despite being 2S powered, the punchouts are not so impressive. It’s for sure more powerfull than most of 1S equivalent models but not billion times stronger. In comparaison, my “lightbee” FB90 is much more powerfull. After the wooble session, no choice we have to find better tunings.

Here are my current settings:


With these ones…. the Q90 flies completly different !!!!! So smooth and stable …. really fun to fly with. Both the FPV and radio control range are great… 🙂 Beaware with such microsize… it’s super fast to loose it into tall grass. It’s strongly adviced to install a buzzer. Flight times are also pretty good, around 5-6min with the “simple” 350mah model. We can expect more with a 450mah for example.


First thing to do with the Eachine Flyingfrog Q90 is to apply new PIDs settings because out of the box ones are far to be optimized and bring a lot of woobles & bounces.I really like the FPV rig strong, powerfull with clean and sharp image. Depite being light and with 2s compatible 8520 motors, the Q90 is of course perfectly acro compatible but not yet equivalent to a brushless model. In term of “must to do”, the buzzer integration is probably the first one. We can dream a future revision integrating this buzzer and a FC with betaflight OSD.


+ Compact FPV microflyer
+ Relatively powerfull 2S system
+ F3 board
+ Good 1000 TVL NTSC camera
+ Good FPV range (>150m)
+ 6-7min of flight time
+ FrSky D8 with RSSI & Vbat telemetry


– No builtin buzzer
– Bad default PIDs settings
– Need to open the machine to set the Vfreq
– No possibility to apply positive angle for the FPV camera

This quadcopter have been courtesy provided by Banggood in order to make a fair and not biased review. I would like to thank them for this attitude.
You can find it actually for 71USD at http://www.banggood.com/Eachine-Flyingfrog-Q90-Micro-FPV-Racing-Quadcopter-BNF-with-F3-5_8G-200mW-VTX-1000TVL-Camera-p-1124456.html

Cet article TEST: Eachine Flyingfrog Q90 (62g, 2S 8520 motors, SPF3, 1000TVL FPV cam, 200mW 5.8G 40CH VTX) est apparu en premier sur Drone-Maniac !!!!!!!.

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