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The Cheerson CX-0F represents the last revision of their super popular CX-10 lunched three years ago. After the introduction of a WiFi module, a barometer, the last integration is a visual positionning camera improving the general altitude stabilization. More the smartphone application is also improved with new fun modes. Let’s discover the CX-0F.



+ 1 x Cheerson CX-0F (with a 1S 150mAh LiPo directly soldered)
+ 1 x Transmitter (with a 120mAh builtin app)
+ 1 x USB charging cable
+ 1 x USB to microUSB cable
+ 4 x Spare props (2 CW, 2 CCW)
+ 1 x Screwdriver
+ 1 x Instruction manual (English)


In hands, the CX-0F is clearly more heavier than the first edition. No miracle with FPV WiFi module, a barometer and the new Visual positionning system. All new ingredients are either installed bottom (for the Visual positionning) or on top (for the WiFi). Anyway, the CX-0F is still a 50mm machine.


For android, please download and install the CX-0F application (with a 0 not a O) available in google play.



A bicolor design scheme is used. Good news at least front and rear props got different colors. A good help to keep the machine orientation. The upper canopy part is attached via 4 screws and the plastic pads of each motor pods.



The 2.4G antenna of the WiFi module is visible and installed outside the machine



Red ligts can be found on rear arms


while more blue on front. They are blinking fast when voltrage drop below 3.3V.







The main novolty introduced with ths model. A super tiny camera in M3 format able to estimate more or less the distance to the ground.



Each landing pods receive a foam rubber pad to amortize landings.



The same props than we can find in for any nanos. Now the problem of their robustness can be raised in the sens that with the extra weight added by the new electronic elements, they become in practice much more fragile. Y


23.8g when lightest nano’s were below 15g ….!!!! close to 10g more. It’s a lot.



To boost the payload capacity, some 6mmx15mm coreless motors are installed instead of 6mx12mm coreless brushed motors.



Camera module

A super narrow lens limiting the Field oF View to something around 60 degrees


The lens thread is in M6 format and as far I know there is no compatible lens with a wider FOV.


Photos are taken in VGA resolution with poor precision and light sensitifity.


Videos are also taken in VGA format with a poor 16fps maximum (if the WiFi connexion doesn’t limit even more the frame rate)


Here is an example of the application with the live vide feedback



The barometer is well protected by a piece of foam. No reference written on the 2.4G RF chip installed on top. If you want to extend your range, you can dril a hole into the top canopy structure to install the antenna more vertically.





The same chassis than the Cheerson CX-70 with super flat sticks anto-centered. Only thumber will really enjoy this type of stick. Anyway they offer relatively good precision in controls. Four bottons are available in the central part: a autotake off, a auto landing, the speed mode selection (beginners/intermediates/expert) and a 360 degrees flips.


On the button side, you can find a microUSB port to recharge the 120mAH builtin LiPo. It takes approximatively 1h to charge.



It’s possible to install a smartphone up to 6″.



Bad news, the CX-0F don’t share the same radio protocol of the CX-70. So it’s one more time a new radio protocol introduced here.


First contact with the machine with the transmitter only for beginning. After binding completly the machine (by pushing up and down the throttle stick), a short press on the take off button raise the machine approximatively 1m high. you can arm also motors by pushing both sticks in lower outter directions. The mmachine is relatively stable in altituded and I Would says that stabilization is done mainly by the barometer. In practice, if you bring you hands under the machine, you will have to wait to be below 10cm to see the visual positionning system in action. In this case, the machine will shift in a horizontal direction and since there is no GPS, the drift can be important. The machine is nervous with the radio control and offers good rates for indoors applications. The light are not super visible, sometime it’s hard to see the LVC alarm. The machine won’t resist to wind even for a moderate wind. Good news for the radio control range, no problem to exceed 30m and more. Some other negative points can be reported. First as expected, the props tends to be bent or break more easily. Another problem more annoying problem. After a crash it’s often the machine stop to be powered. Whateve your turn on/off the powerswitch. The trick is to plug the machine to its charger… than you can reuse it… very weird if you are in a field.

With the application connected, first bad news, you are loosing the control with the radio… Only the controls can be done with the application…. It’s weird because I don’t understand the role of the phone holder on the transmitter since there is no possibility to have both the FPV signal on the smartphone and the control with the radio. The FPV feedback is correct on the app but don’t expect more than 15fps at close range. Versus distance the frame rate will drop even more. The appz GUI is simple and easy to use. The control with the virtual sticks is less easy than with the real transmitter…. The interface offers the possibility to design a trajecory on the screen and the 2D plot will be transform in a 3D path for the quad. You can choose with 5 differents distance radio for path application. In practice it’s working fine. A good point. The more fun feature is the choregraphy mode where you will be able to build sequence of atomistics moves. Around 15 type of basic moves are offered: up and down, turns left right, jumps, flips, etc…. a lot of combinaisons can be created and saved. When executed, a music is playback. This dance mode is fun, probably the most satisfying element for this quadcopter. In term of flight time, you can reach easily 4min30 not so bad for a nano with two camera modules.


If you are interested by Dance mode, the cheerson CX-0F is clearly efficient and easy thanks to the appz. In term of WiFi, we could expect more a 720p module but only a 0.3mpx has been introduced here with basic resolution and field of view. The altitulde hold is efficient in practice but can be parasited time to time when the visual positionning system detects proximity with ground. I deeply regret the non-possibility in practice to use it as a FPV machine with both the smartphone and the radio control simultaneously. The price is expensive too … close to 60USD for the RTF!!! It’s a nano !!! close to four time more expensive than first nano’s…


+ Altitude hold
+ Nice controls with the transmitter
+ Complete app
+ Selfie mode
+ Choregraphy mode
+ Stronger 0615 motors
+ Good flight time (~4min 30)


– Transmitter controls can’t be used in the same time that the appz
– Video recording only available with appz control only
– Builtin LiPo
– Visual positionning only efficient for distance below 15cm
– Poor VGA 0.3mpx FPV WiFi feedback
– Narrow FOV
– 16fps for the camera recordings
– Need sometime to be plugged in the charger to be turn on again after a crash
– Expensive
– Yet another Protocol

This quadcopter have been courtesy provided by Banggood in order to make a fair and not biased review. I would like to thank them for this attitude.
You can find it actually for 59USD at https://www.banggood.com/Cheerson-CX-OF-Wifi-FPV-Optical-Flow-Dance-Mode-Mini-Slefie-RC-Quadcopter-BNFRTF-p-1167565.html

Cet article TEST: Cheerson CX-0F dancer est apparu en premier sur Drone-Maniac !!!!!!!.

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