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Walkera just announced a new revision of their Walkera Vitus, the “starlight” edition: http://www.walkera.com/index.php/Goods/info/id/47.html
Basically, it’s exactly the same machine except the camera upgraded with a 4K sensor with a light sensitivity < 0.001Lux so able to shoot videos with better SNR in super dark conditions. null





For me it’s hard to understand the introduction of such machine since their original Vitus is still in beta stage developpement. For example, the final android appz is not yet available, 3-4 months after the introduction of the machine. A real scandal. Ok the Vitus starlight will use the same appz, but it’s definitively a lack of respect of former customers. Walkera… please fix and polish all your products before to think to introduce a new one. For example, for the Aibao, we had to wait several months to have some working more or less directly. By the way, I stil working on the review of the original Vitus 320

Cet article NEWS: Walkera Vitus Starlight (4K camera with night vision) est apparu en premier sur Drone-Maniac !!!!!!!.

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