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Stepper motor coupling NEMA 17. Which is a good reducer to choose?

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I have a 15 g weight fixed to a 40 cm long aluminum rod. The rod is fixed perpendicular to the axis of my Nema 17 stepper motor (https://www.oyostepper.com/category-6-b0-Nema-17-Stepper-Motor.html) and the weight rotates very well with good acceleration and high speed.

I want to add a reducer to rotate a mass of 80 g or 120 g (if possible) without stalling my NEMA17 thanks to the reducer and maintaining its acceleration (2.5 rev-2) and speed (2.5 rev). The last two parameters are managed by the Teensy (Arduino with a faster clock) and if I have a reduction ratio of 5:1, any multiplier by 5 should not be a problem.

My nema 17 has 200 steps per revolution, and I control the motor to 6400 steps per revolution (i.e. 32 * 200, to reduce vibration and increase coupling). But anyway.

Do you think these reducers are easy to install and do the job? Which reducer to choose?

My nema 17 has a 5mm motor shaft, and I want to be able to connect a reducer that also has a 5mm motor shaft.

Thank you for your attention and reply!

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