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The LisamRC LS-X220 is a new relatively large 5″/220mm FPV racer. This one thanks to super strong 35A ESC is 6S compatible out of the box. To complete the ultrastrong ESC board, some 2306/2600Kv are here to boost the machine to extreme velocities. The X structure is based on 5mm arms and is completed with a super strong aluminium cage to protect the electronic tower and the CCD super had II sensor based FPV camera. Generally, the general design mimics the GT’s models also recently introduced. This machine targets acro/free experimented pilots able to control such amount of power. Let’s discover this new machine proposed in PNP or in BNF version with a FrSky D16 solution.



+ 1 x LisamRC LS-X220
+ 8 x 5045 props (4 CW, 4 CCW)
+ 1 x 5.8G Pagoda antenna
+ 1 x Set of sticker
+ 2 x Battery straps

No instruction manual in the bundle …. So you will have to guess how to control the VTX for example



The first impression of this machine is a durability one. 5mm strong large arms are employed. A little originality, there are not installed horizontally like 99% of the case, but vertically. With this design, we will less sensitive to crash in the top-bottom direction…. but for forward directions, it will be more a weaker point strategy with this design.


Each arms are blocked into two 2mm carbon plates located centrally in the main X-structure. Above the upper one is attached a strong alimimum cage.


The general design is pretty cool … All electronic ingredient and the FPV camera are well protected.



The upper metallic structure is screwed via the four short standoff linking the two carbon plates. Maybe, if some a hooking design would have been prefered, this solution would have been a little bit more strong for frontal accident. Here all the stress of the shock will be absorbed indirectly by the inner screws inside each standoff.


For the BNF version, a FrSky XM+ receiver is installed and connected via a 3 position microJST connector. So it should be super easy to replace the receiver for your favorite one. In another hand, unfortunatly, the FrSky XM+ is not flashed with the firmware exporting the RSSI to last AUX channel. It means that out of the box no RSSI display in the OSD. You will need to flash the firmware by yourself. At least no desoldering/resoldering job is required thanks the the presence of this connector.


The FrSky receiver is installed on a piece of foam to not be in direct contact of the VTX module located nearby. The microUSB port is on the left side. When connected to betaflight, the machine shows a version 3.2 installed… clearly a 1 year old OS not supporting for sure any VTX controls via OSD.


The right side shows three button. The “boot” button to be pressed while powering the machine if you want to flash a new betaflight OS. You can do this operation via a USB powering. The LiPo plugging is not necessary. The middle one controls the output power of the VTX. By default you are in 25mW. short press to cycle to different available power up to 600mW. Finally the last one concerns the Vfreq/Vband selection.


The antenna is slightly deported on the rear side to mimize the stress on the SMA connector during a crash. Notice this one presents a lot of loose … You will need to regulary fasten the two nuts.


Four LEDs cercling a buzzer are here. Out of the box, they are not specialized with betaflight. They are just solid bright.




Each motors are installed on a small carbon plateform protecting enough the motor by itself.


With the 6S installed, the battery strap is maybe a little bit too short.




About 515g with a 6S 1300mAh LiPo ….


Motors and props

2307/2600Kv motors branded directly by LisamRC. They are advertized to have a special wiring minimizing the emitted heat.


5mm shaft section


Crystal clear 5042 props are offered in the bundle. They are well equilibrated out of the box. No jello can be noticed with



Camera module

A chinese CCD super Had II sensor based FPV camera with a field of fiew about 150 degrees. No IR blocking. The lens is in M12 format. The module can be uptilded aboive 70 degrees…. so no problem for ultra agressive flight.



The camera connexion is done via a dedicaced plug. It means the replacement of the camera can be more easy in practice.


Good news, there is a small joystick in the rear side to change any camera settings. By default WDR is turned off and the camera is in PAL format.



The machine comes with Betaflight 3.2 and via this old version is not possible to know if the VTX’s controls via the OSD is possible or not. I upgraded to Betaflight 3.5.3. You need absolutly to press the “boot” button to enter into the DFU mode.
Unfortunatly either on the UART3 or 6 of the F4 board or with the IRC tramp orSmart audio protocols, I was able to control the VTX with the OSD… The VTX don’t offer this feature. What’s a pity since there is no instruction manual for example with a Vfreq table. Out of the box also, the OSD and the LED designs were not optimized at all. To make short, only the receiver settings were correct. PIDs were the default 3.2 ones.
After the 3.5.3 upgrades, I optimized both the OSD and light layout but kept the default PIDs settings as well with dynamc filtering turned on. In practice I don’t advise rates overs 800deg/s, flips and rolls are already super fast with this value.
For the best usage, it’s advised also to use a 1300-1500 mAh LiPo batteries. I tried first in 4S configuration. The machine already responds pretty well…. Be aware to push a bit the VTX output power fixed from factory at 25mW. I set the WDR turned on… If I didn’t notice any signifiant noise from ESC & motors in the FPV signal, the camera offers some washed rendering. It can comes from my own modifications of the camera settings done by accident (navigation inside menu can be a bit tricky to do with this tiny joystick). Whateven if light transitions are correctly rendered and if the level of detail is ok, I am disapointed by this color’s rendition. I repeat, it can come from my own fault during a setting update.

In term of flight attitude ….. in 4S you can notice a bit the inertia of the machine. It’s fast and powerfull but be aware with super fast turning with the inertia of the machine. In 6S configuration…. what a power in your hands !!!!!! Punch out are just incredible. The motors are screaming like crazy with a full throttle input… Impressive. You have so much power than the AirMode won’t let you to go down fast ….. With a 1300mAh 6S LiPo you can expect 3min30-4min of flight time.


Generally I liked this monster especially in 6S …. but be aware it’s ultra powerfull…. and reserved for advanced pilots. I like the frame design and durability, the presence of strong ESC & motors. The cage is large enough to have enough room to upgrade the FPV camera for a Runcam Split Mini 2/Caddx Turtle 2 HD solutions. My concerns are about the non-support of the VTX’s controls via the OSD, the non-presence of a RSSI compatible firmware in the XM+ out of the box. Except that, this machine represents a good base for a ultrapowerfull racer.


+ 6S power !!!!
+ 5mm frame structure
+ Durable structure
+ Well designed
+ 35A ESC
+ Builtin joystick for the camera OSD controls


– Not smart audio/IRC Tramp compatible
– Old Betaflight 3.2 pre-installed
– FrSky XM+ receiver not flashed with the RSSI compatible firmware
– Props occlusion in the Field Of View
– SMA antenna extender not well secured/fasten


This quadcopter have been courtesy provided by Banggood in order to make a fair and not biased review. I would like to thank them for this attitude.
You can find it actually for 180USD at https://www.banggood.com/Lisamrc-LS-X220-FPV-Racing-RC-Drone-PNPBNF-Omnibus-F4-PLUS-35A-Blheli_S-ESC-48CH-25200400mW-VTX-p-1292104.html

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